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Useful Hints and Tips for doing your own Packing.

1. Tea Chests and Tea Cartons. Ensure that the boxes or cartons that you are using for your packing are in a sound and strong condition.

2. Larger & Heavier Items of China. Always pack these in the bottom of the box first and fill with smaller and lighter items for the top half of the box.

3. Packing. Ensure that sufficient packing material is placed between each item to prevent movement and eventual damage. Pack all plates, saucers and dishes on their edge. This is the strongest part of the item. On the second and third layer pack cups, mugs and glasses on their sides.

4. Pictures and Mirrors. Should never be laid flat as this will break them. Always stand them on their edge and keep the tallest items to the side of the box, working into the middle with gradual decreasing sizes.

5. Books. Should be packed on their edge with the spines facing upwards to a maximum of two layers deep or twelve inches depending on the size of the books. If necessary, lighter items can be placed on the top but not china and glass.

6. Records All records should be stored or packed on their edges as placing them flat will cause them to warp. Again do not pack anything on top of these records apart from light items.

7. Do not overfill the boxes as they cannot be stacked on top of each other

8. Bedding, Pillows, Continental Quilts & Linen. Can be packed in large polythene bags supplied by us and should be tied or taped to prevent contents falling out. Bedding that is to be used on the day of unloading should be labelled accordingly to assist yourselves with making the beds for that night.

9. Hanging Clothes. These should not be packed as this will cause you unnecessary work, especially during the packing and the eventual ironing of these items to get them into a wearable condition. We will be pleased to supply portable wardrobes on the day of the removal to assist you with your move.

10. Labelling. Label all boxes, bags and cartons to make it easy for yourselves and the removal team during the unloading as obviously some boxes need not be unpacked on the day of the removal.

We hope this guide will help you to a smooth and efficient move.




Paul Peterson t/a Aust Removals & Storage
Registered Office: Wentloog Corporate Park, Wentloog. Cardiff. CF3 2ER
Telephone: 029 2061 0264 or 07974 778781 email: austremovals@aol.com